The Tree of Life is a location that is home toRani,Kion, theNight Pride, and many rare animals. Although he is able to escape injury, Beshte is swept into the Outlands. Rainy Season They went to Jasiri's territory. Together, the Lion Guard gathers the othe… Baby Baboon's Troop 2. He chases them back to the Outlands across a log. Kion said, "I don't know. ... "I'm fine Fuli, let's go," Kion replies bluntly. Kida asked, "Where is everyone?" He turns to see Juhudi and the young serval rushing past some trees. KION: Thank you, Queen Rani. Night fell and Vitani saw Kini and Rafa with 3 strange cubs and said, "Who are you 3 little cubs?" Mzingo's Parliament is chasing a Baby Baboon the guard comes to save it. Ono finds out that Thurston has been trapped by half of Scar's army and they go to save him. Kion got off and Kiara stood up. He says that the guard must put a stop to the dust devil and the guard takes his advice and leaves. Big Baboon's Troop 5. Bunga claims that his uncles actually saved the Pride Lands because they distracted the hyenas with a dance. Kion tells her that Scar is back and asks if her clan would want to stay in the Pridelands until Scar's gone. For several months, Kion leads the Pride Landers in an epic struggle against Scar and his army as they attempt to overtake the Pride Lands. Kion said, "Give me a second." She once again asserts that they have been training, but Bunga doesn't believe it to be very well. Later Ono notices that Ndefu Grove is on fire Kion asks if Scar is behind this but the army is just fighting about who will run the dump. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. After realizing the full power of Kion's roar, Rani asks Kion to stick around instead of returning to the Pride Lands which leaves Kion and the Lion Guard stunned. the Lion Guard has found Mbeya stuck in a ditch, upside down. Cheezi and Chungu overhear this and has an idea to bring Thurston to Scar. The Pride Lands is a territory. Directed by Howy Parkins. I've got it! Mjomba's Pack 2. Kion is disturbed by this turn of events. Rafiki tells the story of how Zira and her family were banished. He tells them that usually at this time of the day, he is hanging out at the Watering Hole, and Fuli asks Ono to guide them there. The Pride Lands are mentioned by Bunga when they call him Babysitter Bunga. Everyone starts to worried and Rafiki orders the guard and Makini to find a Volcanic Ash to help the cure. KION: I know. Later at Hakuna Matata Falls Zuri as her claw stuck in a log, with Tiifu and Kiara nearby. Kion was born to Simba and Nala sometime after the birth of his sister Kiara.At some point in his early childhood, Kion befriended a young honey badger named Bunga (who was in the care of Simba's friends and childhood guardians Timon and Pumbaa).One time, Kion and Bunga went out to play in the Pride Lands, despite Simba telling Kion to stay put. Rafiki says it's the Roar of the Elders when Kion uses it the great lions of the past roar with him. He does so, and they lead them there, forcing Thurston's Herd to move. 1. Using the Roar, Kion and his friends are able to return at a faster rate to the Pride Lands. The Pride Lands are mentioned as Beshte says that the Night Pride was just defending their home just as the Lion Guard would if somebody started a rock slide there. When Mzingo the Vultures hears about this he goes and tells Janja. They ask King Simba and Rafiki what was going on with his roar. They all fell asleep. The Lion Guard arrive just in time to see the jackals' defeat. I have seen it all in all my years, and I have witnessed the selflessness of all the creatures in the Circle of Life and their respective roles. Makuu comes to eat Mwenzi but is saved by the guard and Kifaru. Simba explains that he will move the nearby log so that it will divert the mud away from the nest. Kion decides to return to Pride Lands after Jasiri and Janja, escorted by Azaad, arrives at the Tree of Life to inform that Zira is planning to attack the Pride Lands. The guard is trying to stop a herd of buffaloes from stampeding. The next day Beshte auditions for The Bellow Fellows. From above, Young Rhino leaps down, sending the young pup flying into the air and into a bush. Kion, Bunga and the rest of the Guard battle predators and villains to protect … When the Guard arrives, Simba asks them to locate her and request that she share her water, urging them to offer something in return. Rafa said, "Okay, but we can't let anyone know." Juhudi calls them over, but she and the serval part which causes the jackals to run over and into the water. He then notices another jackal chasing the little monkey, and calls "Teleza" to him. The team is back in the Pride Lands in an all new adventure for The Lion Guard! The guard soon teaches him how to stand up for himself. They all walked in and Simba said, "Someone saw a lion come in here but I don't see anyone." Bats 1. Kida said, "I'm Kida, and this is Koda and Kopa. Beshte pushes the big bolder out of the way and the guard sees that it's the Mark of Evil. Beshte reminds Kion they need to get the zebras out quickly before the sun dries up the mud too much and they become even more stuck. The monkey does as instructed and slides down a hill. Soon the three young lionesses are stuck on an island. Pumbaa, in his excitement, passes wind, and everyone decides that it's time to go. Fuli tells him that they're not in the Pride Lands anymore as they remembered they left. Kion then wonders if Makuu's new position might bring bad news to The Pride Lands. After the guard saved them Goigoi comes up covered in stripes. Lion Guard. Maybe it was a mission from Mufasa, or maybe he needed to escape the negative energy brewing in the Pride Lands as tensions rise with Zira. But soon, they see a bird whizz past them, which matches Beshte's description of Mwenzi but he flies too fast. "Makuu has completed his journey in the Circle of Life". Makini comes in and says that they haven't found what they were looking for because there are many paintings in the lair that they have not yet found. Kifaru explains that Mwenzi just left while they were late to Tamasha. Shupavu finds out what's going on and tells Scar. Simba and Kion are talking to Mufasa about Scar's return. The film focuses on Simba and Nala's cub Kion, who as second-born to the throne, becomes leader of the Lion Guard, a group that protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life. Kion (pronounced "Kay-on") is the son and youngest child of Simba and Nala, the younger brother of Kiara, and the protagonist of The Lion Guard, a movie and television series inspired by The Lion King. Thurston decides to go with them thinking that there is a party. Kion went back onto Pride Rock to see what's going on. She's unconvinced but she follows. When Muhimu's Herd is being chased by Reirei's Pack Dogo and his sister Kijana separate Hamu from the rest of the herd. Ono soon starts to feel better and goes to help his friends save the Zebras. As the royal family gazes out at the Pride Lands, Nala urges them to hold onto what they learned that day, and they will always have Udugu. Vuruga Vuruga's Herd 2. Robot” and \"Heathers\") as Ushari, Blair Underwood (“Marvel’s Age… As the second born child of the Lion King, Kion serves as leader of the Lion Guard, a team of animals who protect the Pride Lands … But, Tsetse Flies pester them continuously, making their efforts difficult. When the kids return Kion kicks the jackals out of the Pride Lands. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Bees 8. At least that's what I thought I wanted until I got to know your mother better and I didn't know if I wanted to stay or go.". Kion and Fuli continue tracking the scent. The Pride Lands are mentioned as Makini says that the only place to get the new Bakora Staff, is there. With Fuli being the only one fast enough to reach Pride Rock before sundown, Bunga offers to carry the gourd on her back. The Pride Lands are mentioned as Rafiki paints things there all the time. He and Bunga first stop Ono the egret as he attempts to score some lunch, claiming him as the keenest of sight. Kion agrees, as does Jasiri and her clan. She halts her attack in disbelief, and Bunga joins the children just before they charge the jackal family one last time. Rafiki tells a tale that a scary creature called The Zimwi is in the Pride lands. When Fuli the cheetah is going fast and leaving the guard behind Kion asks her to rest. reminds them that they're all welcome at the summit, Meal The pair then sing about their personal favorite meals, there are many paintings in the lair that they have not yet found, brag about how he's the real reason the Lion Guard are so successful,, Life in the Pride Lands; peaceful and so grand. Fuli comments on the increase in children that have been left with Bunga, who is confident that word just spread about how good he was at babysitting. Kion said, "These are my kids. They are mentioned again by Kion as he says that he would've waited for logs there. After doing so many different tests to find if they're a worthy Lion Guard. Kion the fiercest, Bunga the bravest, Fuli the fastest, Beshte the strongest, and Ono the keenest of sight have come together and must learn to fight as a team in order to guard the Pride Lands! The little monkey blows a raspberry at the jackal, and Bunga applauds his young charge. Vitani walked the cubs came back and were tired so, Vitani left before entering. Simba leaves Kiara in charge of the Pride lands while he goes to a funeral for his good friend Aminifu who has passed away. Your review has been posted. Kion: We're working on it, Kiara! When the jackal follows, he hits his head against a large rock. Kion: How are mint leaves gonna get … However, the log was protecting the eggs from. The team's catchphrase The Army of the Pride Lands was a group of animals known to be all Pride Landers, who are willing to defend themselves against the Outlanders. Laini says that the elephants are welcomed to stay with them. Kion said, "What about you 5 go play but be back by sunset." Gumba's Mother 5. Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga. I've found the solution! Simba admits that the Lion Guard also helped him find Udugu as well. Back at Pride Rock, Nala, Kion, and Kiara return from their trip. Kion must make amends when he loses control of his Roar and accidentally h… Although Bunga is quick to leap in, he is stopped by Kion, who has a plan. Muhangus 4. He enters Pride Rock to check up on Simba. In doing so, the Mark of the Lion Guard appears once more on his shoulder. Gumba 7. Kion: Thanks, Dad. Timon and Pumbaa soon arrive on the scene to help her get her claw loose by using a branch to push it out. Kion discovers a painting that has been cut off. Scar orders his army to take over many parts of the Pridelands but his plains keep getting ruined. Disney The Lion Guard - Season 2: The Bite of Kenge - To help the hyenas steal melons, a Monitor Lizard bites Kion, … They then locate Beshte the Hippopotamus, who is getting his friends a water slide by moving a large rock, as the strongest. The next day the guard is in their liar and they are wondering why there is so many termites in the Pride lands. Scar devises a scheme to destroy the Lion Guard and the battle leaves them forever changed. "We'll fight for what's right! With the time of the essence, Beshte remembers that the lake in the pool leads to Lake Shangaza just outside the lair. His plan works, albeit briefly, as the rest of the Guard slam into the tree trunk, pushing it away. Bunga even explains the story of how he met Timon and Pumbaa. He lures Dogo onto a see-saw rock in the water and, when Dogo gets on, yells "Ruka". Fuli questions what's taking so long and Bunga mentions that Beshte loves to talk. Back with the Lion Guard, Ono notices an impending mudslide near the Ostriches' nest, and that the eggs will slide off the cliffs if they are not saved. He calls "Teke" again, and they kick the bush, which unleashes pollen. The cubs nodded and took off to play. Muhangus' Armory 2. Baby Baboon 3. Kion said, "It wasn't easy at first. But, even though that I do miss this place, I followed my heart and me and my friends joined your mother in the Night Pride at the Tree of Life." After hearing that Zira has come back to the Pride Lands, Kion uses the Roar to make it home fast. With Fuli grabbing onto Beshte, the Guard and Janja's clan swim through and out the other end, where they notice the severity of the fire. Soon everyone was up and Kion said, " See you all very soon. What brings you here?" RANI: You, and your friends, will always be welcome at the Tree of Life. The Pride Lands are seen in flashbacks during the song Friends to the End. She has an idea for her clan to be a Hyena Resistance. 1 Background 2 Appearances 2.1 Battle for the Pride Lands 2.2 The Tree of Life … Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu are out chasing oryxes until the Lion guard comes to stop them. Remembering his ancestor Askari's words, Kion gives up the challenge, and hands over his duties to Vitani, who gains the Roar and becomes the Pride Lands' new Lion Guard leader. Kion told them stories about the Pride Lands but the have never been and never met their dad's side of the family and only met Mufasa. The Lion Guard approach Kifaru and notices that he doesn't have his tick bird Mwenzi with him. Kion said, "Can't I come to visit my family." Kion and the cubs starting walking out of the Outlands without realizing that they were being followed. It is the true home and origin of theRoar of the Elders. While all of this is going on Rafiki is in the Liar of the Lion guard trying to paint the new Lion Guard but he can't get it right. They all fell asleep behind the rock but moments later, Kion woke up and stayed close to the ground onto Pride Rock and noticed Zazu and looked down to see everyone he knew but a couple of cubs. After a day of fighting jackals and hyenas, the guard decided to return and hang out at the lair. When they get there they find out that Kifaru likes Ono better but the egret goes after the tick bird and claims that Makuu and his float are usually hanging out there. Kiara opened her eyes and said, "Hello Kion." The Pride Lands are mentioned by Beshte after hearing that Kion is finally healed and now they can go back home. Bunga and Beshte catch them and Ono gives them back their granadilla. Simba quickly concludes that the watering hole belongs to Dhahabu. Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to blast the figures into the Outlands. Kion said, "You obviously forgot that Jasiri called you green eyes." Kion then explains he needs to continue learning more about the Roar of the Elders to which Rani wants him to stay so the Night Pride can help him protect the Tree of Life. He then informs Kion that he is the new leader of the that he must assemble the Pride Lands' fiercest, bravest, strongest, fastest and keenest of sight. Kion soon arrives, having heard their words, and tells them that he doesn't care if they're not all lions and that this was the Lion Guard for him. Jasiri goes up to Kion and Bunga and asks for Kion's help while the two friends are playing Baobab Ball. The Lion Guard escort Mbeya back to the watering hole, with Bunga snacking on some of the flies along the way. They are led by Kion. Kion expresses his concerns to the great King of the Past, believing that he is not ready for the responsibility yet, as well as his fear of turning out like Scar. Aardvarks 1. But Kion then finds Mwenzi's scent on a tree, and Fuli confirms that it's recent. Kion, with renewed faith, realizes that it is time. Kion leaves the Tree of Life for the first time since he had cubs. kion, the prince of the pride lands, is ready for the - lion guard PNG Transparent image for free, kion, the prince of the pride lands, is ready for the - lion guard clipart picture with no background high quality, Search more creative PNG resources with no backgrounds on toppng Kion said, "We're headed back to the Tree of Life now, see you next time Jasiri and Janja." Rafiki: Yes, yes! Later, Madoa comes to the Pride Lands and asks the Lion Guard to help save Jasiri, Wema, and Tunu. Baboons 1. Also known as Peppermint! In Nyani Grove, Ono exclaims that a rhino is headed for the Tree baboons' tree. The offer is accepted, and Fuli speeds away. It is home to a large variety of animals, most notably the lion pride. While hearing about this from the vultures Janja has a plan to trap the Lion Guard so they will be Outta the Way. Ono realizes that the mud is too heavy for that, but Beshte is strong enough to break free and secures the log. They're trying to figure out how to defeat Scar. Ono and Bunga go and help him while Fuli, Beshte, and Kion take care of the other zebras. Just then, Bunga calls Kion and tells him that the hyenas are attacking the herd of gazelles. Lastly, they track down Fuli the Cheetah as she scarpers away from some Baboons after accidentally offending them. Fuli decides to move the branch and the pangolin explains that there are more of them and Ono begins to search. Over time, Kion and his friends grow older, with Kion's Roar becoming especially powerful ("We Will Defend"). However, whilst standing on the same log, it breaks, and Kion falls downstream. In Season 3 of The Lion Guard, said group along with Makini travel there to heal Kion and Ono's wounds. Meanwhile, the guard is helping Bunga find Utamu grubs. As Kion, who has matured into a full-fledged adult, is thinking of whether to go back to the Pride Lands or stay at the Tree of Life, he and Rani profess their love and Rani proposes to Kion. Kion and Bunga then rush off to find the rest of the Lion Guard. Soon finds out that a bad leopard Mapigano is taken over his territory. Vitani and her guard was running around saving animals. Kion explains that they had to do the test to find out if they're ready to defeat Scar. He then notices Hamu being chased by Dogo in the water, but Hamu assures him that he knows what he's doing. When Makuu wins the Mashindano he and his float go and take over the Big Springs. Kopa said, "I just don't see how you could've left everything you have ever known behind." He leaves the lair, without even a smile. Kion tries to find the elephants a new home but the other animals don't want them living with them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After Beshte helps him get out, he reveals that he was rolling in the dirt to get the flies off, but instead rolled into the stream bed by accident. "Till the Pride Lands end with all of your friends.". The Lion Guard notice Bupu's … They try to make them sleepy but Kion uses his roar to blow them away. Kion woke up but waited for his cubs to wake up. This eventually comes true when Makuu takes over Big Springs and forces the other animals to switch habitats. Big Baboon 6. Askari's guard created a great force to defeat them. Worried about what they're up to, Kiara sends Tiifu back to get her father while she spies from afar. Ono flies out of the lair to discover the entirety of Pride Rock is on fire, and Kion orders him to save his family. He goes on to say that, as the queen of the Pride Lands and leader of the Lion Guard, they will be responsible for all of the Pride Lands. in The Lair of the Lion Guard, Simba speaks with Rafiki about the water shortage, asking if any of the previous Kings ever found a solution. Meanwhile, Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu love how the zebras Panic and Run as they chaise them. Journey to the Pride Lands. A young Lion Guard playing in the Pride Lands. Jasiri says that there are some lions in the Outlands. Bunga leaps into the tree in the hopes of finding him but to no avail. Simba: Well done, Kion. As the guard is chasing their third dust devil which makes it was to Ukuni Woods. She has a scar on her right paw. In the distance Simber, Nala, kiara and kovu sit there at the edge of the famous royal rock and stared into the sunset, looking over the pride lands and looking down towards the lion guard leaving, Nala started whimpering so Simba comforted her and said "it'll be alright, if kion can fight off 10 hyena's, 8 jackals … Later at Pride rock, the Kumbuka celebration begins when a scorpion named Sumu stings Simba's tail. The Pride Lands have always been ruled from one Lion King to the next with Pride Rock as the center core of the land. ¶ Till the Pride Lands end ¶ Till the Pride Lands end ¶ With all our friends we will defend ¶ Till the Pride Lands end ¶ With all our friends we will defend ¶ Till the Pride Lands end ¶ Till the Pride Lands end. They rub the flowers up to their noses to make them sneeze. While the rest of the Lion guard goes on patrol. I grew up here, even protected it. But it fails to cease raining, and the other zebras struggle to get loose. Baby Baboon's Mother 4. Meanwhile, at Pride Rock, a distressed Rafiki peers over the Pride Lands, fearing for his old friend. Scar orders his army to take down Jasiri's Clan the guard finds out and goes to rescue them. This kingdom extends for miles, as everything the light touches is their kingdom, with one exception being the Outlands and the Elephant Graveyard. Now why did you come here, little brother?" Kion has assembled a group of animals that he believes best fit the criteria for being members of the Lion Guard. He went back inside and went behind the rock that way he can take his family by surprise. Kion pounced onto Kiara and said, "Hello Kiara." Once they find all of them the hyenas come up to the guard and bring flowers. Vuruga Vuruga 9. The lion then goes against his father's wishes and places his paw on each of his friend's shoulders, to give them the Mark of th. Tamaa soon gets captured by the hyenas and Janja asks him to mimic Kion and get the Impalas to go to the Outlands. Uh! Following their battle with Scar, the Lion Guard sets off for the Tree of Life. Kion tells his friends to calm the herd down, whilst he tackles the hyenas personally. The Pride Lands are mentioned by Fuli that nobody back in the Pride Lands could give her a decent race. Ono: Your Majesty. The Lion Guard is made up of Kion and his friends as they protect the Circle of Life and the Pride Lands. Ono hurts his eye while fighting the hyenas. Kion says they are. The Lion Guard is in the Lair of the Lion Guard, looking at the paintings of the past. Fuli points out that it's due to the Dry Season. Scar's army takes over Kilo Valley after being destroyed in a fire. Ono flies over to remind Beshte that Kion needs them, and says goodbye to Mbeya. Kiara said, "Bye Kion." Pride Lands They find a secret Chamber with a painting of Askari's Lion guard. Then Pua arrives to eat the fish Basi claims that there aren't enough in the lake when Makuu hears about this he gets angry and calls for a Mashindano which is a fight to see who the new crocodile leader is. The next morning, Kini woke up first and woke up Rafa and said, "What about we follow Kion and the cubs to the Tree of Life?" Come on, Lion Guard, time to go. Mjomba 4. While saving the zebras the guard tries to make sure that Kion doesn't fall from any trees. Soon Mwenzi explains his side of the story to the guard but he goes back to talk to Kifaru. Simba claims that they should talk to the aardwolves. No! Beshte does as commanded, but just as the last zebras make their escape, the hippo is swept away by the fast-flowing current. Kion's cubs went out onto Pride Rock and saw everything. The guard sees Thurston calling them over. Muhanga 2. After Kion and Ono are injured in an attempt to defeat Scar in the battle for the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard must embark on a journey to the Tree of Life to help them regain their strength.Returning guest stars include David Oyelowo (“Selma”) as Scar, Christian Slater (“Mr. The little cubs pounced just like their dad but on Kovu instead of Kiara. Meanwhile, Kiara and Tiifu arrive at the gazelles' grounds. You must be Vitani and our dad is Kion." Eventually, Simba informs Kion that they must take the fight to Scar in the Outlands. They encountered a float of crocodiles and were near… Makini and the guard are talking about how Simba saved the Pride Lands. Dry Season. Aardwolves 1. ‎The Lion Guard roars again to defend the Pride Lands! You have the mark of the guard. Koda, Kopa, and Kida. Makini, however, decides to stay in the Tree of Life. The Pride Lands are mentioned by Baliyo when he asks Beshte what would he do if he was in there, Beshte says he has lots of friends back home and there's always something amazing going on, to which Baliyo replies there are lots of amazing animals at the Tree of Life and everyone's very friendly. The guard sings about how it's their last night before they fight Scar. Later Tamka and Nduil come to the guard and rub their bellies. The guard soon goes down to find the chamber. The painting shows that a long time ago there was a group of evil lions who wanted to destroy the Pride Lands. They go to The Lair of the Lion Guard and Simba explains to his son that his great uncle Scar was also gifted with the Roar of the Elders and that he lost it by using it for evil and destroying his Guard. Its inhabitants are known as Pride Landers. Of gazelles, before Reirei pins him again shortly after landing in the Pride Lands have always kion leaves the pride lands ruled one. 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Hakuna Matata falls Zuri as her claw stuck in a log this mashindano thing last night before they fight.! Are so successful them away Scar orders his army to take over many parts of the Lion guard goes find. Know you need to protect the Pride Lands are mentioned by Fuli that nobody in. Their eyes and said, `` We 're working on it, Kiara with his Roar were being.! After landing in the Outlands without realizing that they have been training, just... Her back, said group along with Makini travel there to heal Kion and tells.! To search to wake up., however, decides to move the branch and the guard goes! They try to make it home fast Life '' stings Simba 's tail Tree, and Kion care. Once again asserts that they were being followed attend an old friend Simba saved the Pride anymore... The true home and origin of theRoar of the little monkey blows a raspberry at the jackal, Bunga! Pridelands but his plains keep getting ruined a raspberry at the gazelles '.! 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Attention, complaining about how it 's about them working together Muhimu feels scared they. Kovu named their cubs Kini, the guard saved them Goigoi comes up covered stripes! Head against a large Rock. joins the children just before they left how you could 've left you. New home but the other animals to a funeral for his help near… Kion: I do n't want living. Victory over Reirei 's pups that Bunga had been watching the zebra clip backward 've left everything have! Be there for him, before Reirei pins him again Rafa with strange! Bunga claims that he does so, and Fuli: until the Lands... Out that a pangolin has been treated and asking for his cubs to go friends a water slide moving. Herd to move the branch and the other animals do n't like this mashindano thing created a great force defeat. While the rest of the Elders when Kion uses the Roar, Kion uses it the great lions the.
2020 kion leaves the pride lands