Long bill is gray, hooked. Head is black and eyes are red. NY State Law . Sexes are similar. Black legs, feet. Marbled Godwit: This large sandpiper has black-marked, dark brown upperparts, and lightly barred, chestnut-brown underparts. North America's smallest goose. Brooklyn's premier fashion destination, since 1999. Weak fluttering flight of short duration, alternates rapid wing beats with wings drawn to sides. Forehead is chestnut-brown and throat and rump are buff. For tens of thousands of years, since the end of the last ice age, birds migrated to and through the area. Bull’s Birds of New York State. Wings are black with white patches. Cassin's Sparrow: Medium, skulking grassland sparrow, fine brown streaks on gray-brown head and back, buff underparts. Buff-breasted Sandpiper: This medium-sized sandpiper has a buff wash over the entire body except for the white vent. V-shaped bib is black. Bill is pink. Tail is short. Tail is black, forked, and has white undertail coverts. Wings are white with black primary and secondary feathers. Using the right mix of bird seed, feeder styles, water and gardening for birds can help attract more species. Best identified by its relatively slow, languid flight compared to other shearwaters. Feeds mostly on fish, some crustaceans and insects. Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats. Powerful flight alternates flaps with short glides. Swift flight with shallow wing beats. Birds of New York. Prefers to walk rather than fly. American Oystercatcher: Large shorebird with white underparts, brown upperparts, black hood, long, bright red-orange needle-shaped bill. Bill is long, slightly decurved. Direct flight on deep wing beats. Black Rail: Smallest North American rail, mostly dark gray or nearly black with white-speckled back, belly, flanks. Weak fluttering flight with legs dangling. Black wings have large white shoulder patches. Diet is heavy in seeds and cultivated grains. Backyard Birds of New York is a handy expert guide to identifying, attracting, and providing habitat for the top 25 wild birds most likely to be seen in yards and neighborhoods throughout New York. The tail is deeply forked and white with dark edged outer feathers. Intermediate forms exist between light and dark morphs. Residents soon learn that as long as the bluebird’s shelter needs are taken care of, their dietary needs can easily be addressed. Wings are rufous. Its pale brown under wings are visible in flight. Tail is long and black with white corners. The upperparts are very pale gray, nearly white, and the underparts are white. White underparts extend up onto the face as a cheek patch. Long pointed wings and deeply forked tail. It has a long pink bill with a black tip that is slightly upcurved. Tail is gray with white spots near corners. Eats seeds, insects, caterpillars. New York Birds Reading List. Ash-throated Flycatcher: Medium flycatcher with gray-brown upperparts, pale gray throat and breast, and gray-brown tail with rufous highlights. Bill is dark red to black; Red legs and feet. Light buff-yellow wash on crown of head extending down nape may be visible. Whatbird.com logo design courtesy of The Haller Company. Until the 1990s was classified as the Solitary Vireo, along with the Blue-headed and Plumbeous Vireos. Hood is solid black and eye-ring is dark red. Varied Thrush: Large thrush, dark gray upperparts, rust-brown throat, breast, sides, eyebrows, black breast band, and white belly and undertail. Gray legs, feet. Black cap that extends below eyes, down nape; pale gray upperparts that are darker at the wingtips; short, stout black bill and black legs, feet; long wings with very long outer primaries. It hovers before dipping for prey. Fork-tailed Flycatcher: Medium-sized flycatcher with pale gray upperparts, black head, inconspicuous yellow crown stripe, and white underparts. Bill is red with black tip. Direct, rapid flight; pigeon like, stiff, shallow wing beats. The New York birds checklist hovers around the five hundred species mark and none other than the Eastern Bluebird wins the title of official state bird. Tail is black with strongly contrasting white outer tail feathers.
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